- November 23, 2018
- Posted by: Support Team
- Category: Blog

Digital Marketing – With Facebook
There’s a tool for every business goal. Whether you sell in-person, online or through an app, you know what you’d like to do next as your business grows. Two billion people use Facebook every month to connect with friends and family, and to discover things that matter. Marketing on Facebook helps you find new customers and build lasting relationships with them.
no one is going to stop using Facebook, and its user base will likely only keep increasing. Therefore, your best move is still to understand how to use Facebook to increase your business opportunities.
The Importance of Facebook Engagement
Facebook engagement is all about relevance. If you post relevant content for your customers, then they’re going to engage with your content.
Engagement sometimes means different things to different marketers and businesses, but in general, increasing your Facebook engagement means your audience is more likely to:https://www.learnafrica.co.ke/management-consultants-kenya/#1530197661868-3e898d09-acc4
Millions of businesses, big and small, use Facebook’s apps and services to connect with real people on any device.
- Comment on your updates
- Like your content
- Share your content
- Look at your posts or videos
How engagement increase traffic?
The more your audience performs these actions, the higher your Facebook engagement rate, and the more successful your business page will be, increasing traffic and conversions to your website.
1. Start a Facebook Group
Your Facebook activity shouldn’t solely be limited to your brand page. When you start a Facebook Group, you can drive people and therefore activity to your brand page. A Facebook page is the public presence of a business, organization or even personality. A Facebook group is a community of like-minded Facebook. Users that rally around a specific cause, organization or personality.holding small-group discussions about a shared interest
2. Tell a Lot More Facebook Stories
With this fact perhaps in mind, it’s no wonder that Facebook last year debuted its stories feature for both individual profiles and pages. Stories are brief, user-created pictures or videos that are uploaded to your page. The feature is centered on the platform’s in-app camera that lets you incorporate unique filters and lenses to shared content, as well as visual.
3. Make Engagement Priority
One of the fastest ways to succeed at getting content noticed, is to work on your engagement. When your content appeals to your audience based on relevance to them, then it’s easier to make that content stand out.
4. Use a Lot More Videos
People appreciate the interactive nature of video more than static pictures. To engage your audience better, you have to use more video, whether that’s simply posting more videos on your page, using, adverts or using something like Facebook live.
Page Sections
There are multiple sections you can feature on your Facebook page, but not every section will be a fit for your business. Here are commonly used sections;
1. About:
The About section is one of the most important parts of your Facebook page. It should be filled out with your address, business details, contact information, hours and website URL. Many people go online to find specific information about a business; don’t let your potential customers down by keeping this page blank.
2. Community:
The Community page is where posts, photos and videos from customers show up. Customers can also check in to your store here. This is a great area for your audience to interact and learn more about your company.
3. Events:
You can create event pages and promote upcoming events in this section. Once you create an event on Facebook, you can invite people and share specific information about it all in one place.
4. Home:
This section is where all your updates and posts live. This is also the first page users see when they visit your page.
5. Info and Ads:
This section is designed to add transparency to your page. It shows your followers any Facebook ads you’re currently running.
6. Offers:
You can post discounts or deals from this section. This is an easy way to encourage people to come to your Facebook page. Tell customers to like your page and find a deal on it.
7. Photos:
The Photos tab features your photo albums you’ve posted on your timeline.
8. Posts:
This section shows all your posts, including timeline photos and updates.
9. Reviews:
On the left-hand side of your page, you’ll likely see a list of tabs, such as Home, Services and Reviews. Under the Reviews tab, customers can write a review and indicate if they would recommend your business. Ratings show up at the top of your page. While you can hide the Reviews tab, it can provide valuable feedback to you and your followers. Reviews help verify your business and make it easy for customers to recommend your product.
10. Services:
You can showcase your services on this page. You can add a photo of the service, its name, pricing, description and duration.
11. Shop:
You can add your inventory on this page, and users can buy your products directly from Facebook. Your sales are sent to your bank account.