Stress Management Skills – Techniques

What is Stress?

Stress is a reaction your body experiences as a result of a demanding circumstance or event that requires immediate action and attention. Specifically, this reaction causes your nervous system to produce hormones (adrenaline and cortisol) and results in quickened breathing. A faster heartbeat, tightening muscles and even a sudden burst of energy

Stress produces numerous physical and mental symptoms which vary according to each individual’s situational factors. These can include physical health decline as well as depression.

Stress Management 

Is a wide spectrum of techniques and psychotherapies aimed at controlling a person’s level of stress.  Especially chronic stress, usually for the purpose of improving everyday functioning. The process of stress management is named as one of the keys to a happy and successful life in modern society. Although life provides numerous demands that can prove difficult to handle. Stress management provides a number of ways to manage anxiety and maintain overall well-being. Management of stress  is having the ability to recognize situations that may cause stress, in order to use strategies to prevent the stress from occurring.

Stress Management Process

A process for controlling an individual’s level of stress. Stress management may include practicing daily meditation, identifying relaxing activities (which may be different for every individual), or a combination of multiple techniques. Stress management is important because chronic stress can wreak havoc on your body’s immune system and contribute to health problems. Such as tension headaches, migraine headaches, insomnia, weight gain, depression, anxiety, digestive problems, and even heart disease. Both acute and chronic stress impact memory and concentration, making effective stress management crucial for optimal day-to-day functioning.

Negative Effects of Stress                                                      

It becomes a problem when stress start to operate out of its natural, intended purpose. That is, when it occurs frequently and over a long period of time. The body will still produce hormones and experience the same effects of stress. Rapid heartbeat, tightening muscles, fast breathing  no matter how often the stress occurs. Therefore, if people experience stress nearly every day; their hearts, muscles, digestive and immune system will endure negative consequences. People who experience chronic stress can suffer from high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes heartburn, headaches, and viral illnesses. It can have very serious health consequences and therefore, needs to be managed effectively.

How to Manage Stress Effectively 

The best approach to stress management is different from person to person. Depending on the impact on individual and how each individual responds to various coping techniques.

 Strategies Widely used in Managing Stress.
1. Time Management:

Time constraints can trigger stress in people’s lives. Learn to manage your time more effectively. Schedules often become overloaded, causing people to feel overwhelmed. In order to alleviate this kind of stress, making a list of priorities can help your schedule become more manageable and possible to complete.

2. Self-awareness: 

Knowing your personal limits is crucial because being pushed outside of your personal limitations, can cause unneeded stress. What some people consider a busy schedule, others do not. Some people are equipped to handle multiple tasks while others need a simpler schedule. Therefore, you need to be aware of your boundaries, according to your personality and value system. Eliminate things in your life that do not line up with what you personally can handle so that you experience stress less often. Keep a positive attitude. Accept that there are events that you cannot control. Be assertive instead of aggressive. Assert your feelings, opinions, or beliefs instead of becoming angry, defensive, or passive

3. Healthy Diet:

Maintaining  a good nutrition can help both your mind and body function well and give you the ability to cope with every day demands better. Eat healthy, well-balanced meals. When your body receives its necessary nutrients and proper fuel, stress is less likely to accompany everyday tasks.

4. Exercise:

Committing to a consistent exercise routine allows your body to release tension and even relax its muscles, benefiting your physical well-being. Taking steps to support good health gives you the ability to focus on life’s responsibilities without added pressure or stress. Learn and practice relaxation techniques; try meditation or yoga, make time for hobbies and interests.

5. Good Support System: 

Having the ability to talk through challenging situations with trusted friends, can help you avoid stress. A supportive network of friends can provide listening ears and encouraging words. Allowing you the ability to work through otherwise difficult situations with more stability and less stress.

6. Healthy Sleep Habits:

Adequate sleep is important for allowing your body time to repair and rejuvenate, which helps with mental alertness, memory, and concentration, and also boosts immune strength. Going to bed at the same time each night, eliminating distractions such as television and mobile devices, and aiming for seven to eight hours of sleep each night are best practice for healthy sleep. lying awake at night worrying about stressful circumstances.

Other Strategies 
  • Don’t rely on alcohol, drugs, or compulsive behaviors to reduce stress.
  • Seek out social support. Spend enough time with those you enjoy.
  • Seek treatment with a physiologist or other mental health professional trained in stress management or biofeedback  techniques. Learn healthy ways of dealing with the stress in your life.


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